2025 Summer Program
Our 10 Week Summer Program is for youth ages 6-13. This recreational and educational program runs Monday through Friday with two options: Basic Program runs daily from 9:30am to 3:30pm and Extended Program runs daily from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Members are divided into 3 age groups with staff who supervise. The park has an outdoor inground swimming pool, playground, outdoor multi-use sports complex, wall ball area, outdoor basketball courts, baseball field, soccer field, and an 1811 granite Stone House recreation center, all in a charming setting along the Blackstone River. Members can participate in swimming, fishing, activities, and tournaments and are given the opportunity to socialize and form new friendships with other members in the surrounding communities.
10 weeks - June 16, 2025 through August 22, 2025
Please read through THe summer program parent handbook before registering to ensure you are knowledgable of the program and the policies
*there are no reimbursements after the start of the program*
Each child is required to become a member of the Blackstone Valley Boys & Girls Club. The registration fee is $20 and allows members to utilize programs throughout the year. For the 2025 Summer Program, children must be 6 years old by the start of the program and entering 1st grade in September and 13 years or younger by the 1st day of the program.
2025 Programs
Basic Summer Program—$850 per child; plus $20 membership fee This program is designed for recreational use of the club. A basic member can utilize the facility Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Full Program Price for the 1st and 2nd child...50% discount on 3rd and 4th child.
Extended Summer Program—$1,135 per child; plus $20 membership fee
This program is designed for working parents. An extended member can utilize the facility Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Full Program Price for the 1st and 2nd child...50% discount on 3rd and 4th child.
What is needed to register
- -->2025 summer Program Registration forM<--
- and a Copy of the most recent immunization form
- and a Copy of the birth certificate...REQUIRED FOR NEW MEMBERS ONLY
- Payment - At this time, CHECK payment will only be accepted through our Mail-In registration option (see "How to Register" section below). 1st and 2nd child pay the full program fee...3rd and 4th child are eligible for a 50% discount on the program fee.
- If you cannot pay the full program fee upon submission of paperwork, take advantage of our -->Payment Plan<--.
- Payment Plan - Pay the required deposit that will hold your child's spot; then make two additional payments. Payments not paid according to the due dates may jeopardize the member's enrollment status.
- Don't Forget to include the additional $20 Annual Membership fee with your 1st payment - $20 each for 1st and 2nd child...$10 each for the 3rd and 4th child.
- Include the $30 locker fee if the child would like a locker. Our Parent Handbook explains this in more detail.
- Please call the office with any questions on your fee.
- **Incomplete submissions will not be accepted and will be returned.
- **We will continue to accept registration forms until we have reached our enrollment limit.
- **Spots are filled on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.
- Starting Now, Mail-In Option: Mail all paperwork with CHECK ONLY for the full fee OR the deposit payment according to our Payment Plan. All submissions must be complete with the required paperwork and include payment along with the membership fee & locker fee, if purchasing a locker. Incomplete submissions will not be accepted and will be returned. The office will call you when paperwork is received.
- Mailing address: BVBGC, PO BOX 283, Blackstone, MA 01504.
- Make checks payable to: BVBGC and include the child's name on the memo line.
- Starting March 10, 2025: Registrations will be accepted during our Club office hours. Cash, Check and Credit Card Method of Payment will be accepted at this time. The Payment Plan will still be available at this time. Physical Address: 115 Canal Street, Blackstone, MA 01504. Our Mail In option will continue to be accepted. Office Hours are as stated below and are subject to change
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays 2:00-5:30pm
Thursdays, 2:00-8:00pm
Closed Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays
All medications must be administered at home unless specified by a physician however, if the member requires medication to be dispensed during Club hours, then the Medication Administration Form (found below) must be completed and signed by the member's physician and all medications must be in a labeled, original pharmacy container. Medications and forms must be given directly to the supervisor on the member's first day. There must be one form for each medication. Please see our Parent Handbook which explains this in more detail.
Medication Administration Form